May 19th, 2008

Steak = Confidence, Ladies

A recent NY Times article extolled the virtues of being a steak lover in today’s dating scene. And if you’re a female steak lover? Huge bonus points.

Here’s a little excerpt from that article by Allen Salkin:

Be Yourselves, Girls, Order the Rib-Eye

MARTHA FLACH mentioned meat twice in her profile: “I love architecture, The New Yorker, dogs … steak for two and the Sunday puzzle.”

She was seeking, she added, “a smart, funny, kind man who owns a suit (but isn’t one) … and loves red wine and a big steak.”

Her ad worked. She met a guy and a year later they got married.

They served steak at their wedding reception.

The article went on to say this . . .

Red meat sent a message that she was “unpretentious and down to earth and unneurotic,” she said, “that I’m not obsessed with my weight even though I’m thin, and I don’t have any food issues.”

Well, rock on, Martha. Eating steak on dates apparently says you are comfortable with yourself and you know what you like.

Skimpy salad-eaters, listen up! It’s time to stop the madness. We all know you go home and eat a burger after you pick at the bowl of greens you had on your date with Tad.

Just keep it real and have the steak. Better yet, cook your own steaks with Tad. Can you imagine how bowled over he would be seeing you flip those babies on the grill? ‘Cause, seriously, if you did somehow marry the guy he would eventually find out you don’t subsist on leaves alone.

Isn’t it better to start out with honesty?

Just break free! Cut into that steak! You know you want to.

Check out the entire article here.

And then get you and Tad some steaks here.

May 16th, 2008

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!

Remember those old commercials for doggie treats that were shaped like bacon, tasted like bacon (I assume) but weren’t ACTUALLY bacon?

Beggin Strips. Yes, I remember the name.

The dog would come darting through the house when he knew his owner was getting out the box and the little voice on the commercial would scream, “BACON! BACON! BACON!”

That’s how I feel about bacon.

Is that wrong?

I know it’s not very ladylike. But everyone in my family knows if we’re having bacon, do not try to snake my share. If you do, your hand will be amputated regardless of age, gender or political affiliation.

Back off.

That is why I love bacon-wrapped filet mignons. They are the melding of two of my absolute favorite things:  buttery soft beef and, mmm hmmm, BACON.

Just look at that! I’m sorry, that is a work of art.

I will be thinking about this piece of perfection until I have it again.

Until then, I’ll see you in my dreams you silky, grilled flavor explosion you. 

May 16th, 2008

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!

Remember those old commercials for doggie treats that were shaped like bacon, tasted like bacon (I assume) but weren’t ACTUALLY bacon?

Beggin Strips. Yes, I remember the name.

The dog would come darting through the house when he knew his owner was getting out the box and the little voice on the commercial would scream, “BACON! BACON! BACON!”

That’s how I feel about bacon.

Is that wrong?

I know it’s not very ladylike. But everyone in my family knows if we’re having bacon, do not try to snake my share. If you do, your hand will be amputated regardless of age, gender or political affiliation.

Back off.

That is why I love bacon-wrapped filet mignons. They are the melding of two of my absolute favorite things: buttery soft beef and, mmm hmmm, BACON.

Just look at that! I’m sorry, that is a work of art.

I will be thinking about this piece of perfection until I have it again.

Until then, I’ll see you in my dreams you silky, grilled flavor explosion you.

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Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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