August 16th, 2007

About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

And, uh, not everything I try in the kitchen, grill or smoker is a success. Who among us has not created a disaster in the kitchen? Hey, I can admit it.

To me, being a steak enthusiast is not about being an expert. It’s about finding that perfect steak for YOU.

And just when I think I’ve found MY perfect steak – something changes. I discover a cut of beef I like better or someone introduces a new spice or marinade to me.

But isn’t that the point? The journey is the best part!

Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride. I hope you’ll post some comments and share your own experiences, too!
