July 10th, 2009

Oh Heavenly Steak

We’re here in our beachy paradise and the smell of the salt water, the feel of the ocean breezes, the cool touch of the water makes this the most idyllic place on earth.

What could make it better, you ask?

Thanks for asking. Well, I had some steaks delivered right to our door here and they weren’t just any steaks. Oh, no. These were strip steaks in an onion and garlic rub.

My photo doesn’t do it justice, but see those little green flecks of heaven on the side of that luscious slice of beef? The aroma of oniony goodness while these babies were grilling was almost too much to bear.

I wanted to dive right into that first steak and not wait for anyone else. But I held myself back. And the wait was worth it.

These were really wonderful and a nice departure from the usual flavoring I use.


Here’s where I ordered these. Go get you some.

Just don’t expect the cool ocean breeze to come in the package. They haven’t figured out a way to UPS that yet.

And if they had . . . you’d better believe I would have already purchased the entire supply.

Bon appetit!

July 7th, 2009

A Reunion Deserves Steak

We recently had a family reunion of sorts — hosted at our house.

And what did we serve to celebrate the occasion?

Why, steak of course!!!


T-bones and boneless ribeyes crowded the grill. (Check out that big one there in front.)

We sat around the dining room table, laughed, drank wine and caught up. Just like it should be.

We even made t-shirts for the occasion. But I’ll spare you those cheesy shots.

This is the plate ready to head to the table — spatula and all.


That’s a lot of beef.

My hubby was thankful everyone came (well, it WAS his side’s reunion after all) but moreso because he had leftover steaks for the next 3 days.


That’s what summer days are all about at our house! 🙂

July 6th, 2009

Beefy Vacation

Did you have a good 4th of July?

We screeched up to our condo here in Florida just as the fireworks were beginning. We were happy to have made it after driving ALL day.

Michael Jackson tunes had been on the iPod the ENTIRE 10-hour drive. My 5-year-old began requesting “Dirty Diana” after a while. And when the kids started to fuss and fight they’d say, “You better not ‘Wanna Be Startin’ Something!'”

On top of the parking garage at the condo (classy, yes) the kids enjoyed the fireworks show for about 7 minutes, then I began to hear, “Mom, do we have any Popsicles? What about strawberries?”

Anything with water in it sounded good. Apparently, they were thirsty, hot and tired.

So inside we went.

Happy birthday, America!

We have so many great meals planned for the week: a roast with potatoes, the mini steakburgers and steaks I ordered, ground beef tacos — oh yeah, and some frozen pizzas thrown in for good measure.

It’s always a good time sharing good food with the people you love. And here in what we think is the most gorgeous place on earth it can’t get any better.

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About Me

Hi! My name is Dena P., and I love steak. In fact, I’ve been on a quest for the perfect steak for a few years now.

I love experimenting with food and I like to get my family, friends and neighbors involved. They add a lot to my cooking experience by helping me perfect techniques and sharing recipes.

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