January 25th, 2008

Top it Off — Garlic-Style

It’s Friday and it’s steak night at my house.  I’m going to savor every moment of it.  

After a week of rushing around and gnawing Lean Cuisine meals periodically, I deserve it.

Jaden at www.steamykitchen.com gives us this yummy recipe for adding a punch of incredible flavor to any steak.

Garlic-Herb Butter

1 stick of unsalted butter, softened
handful of fresh herbs (any combination is fine, try basil and parsley)
1-3 cloves of garlic, smushed in garlic press

To make the Garlic-Herb Butter, combine all ingredients. Lay out a sheet of plastic wrap. Spoon butter mixture on wrap. Roll and shape butter into a log. Refrigerate to firm up for 30 minutes. Slice into 1/4” disks to top the grilled steaks. You can make butter up to 3 days in advance. Make sure you use unsalted butter.

You can try this garlicky idea after using Jaden’s suggestion for coating your steak with sea salt for 15 minutes to an hour to tenderize it. She says to wash off the salt after that time and then pat it dry.

Don’t worry, you’re not really eating all that salt. It’s just a great way to break down the proteins in the steak before you grill it to make it nice and soft.

That’s all it takes to create really luscious, flavor-filled steaks.

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