July 25th, 2012

Country Steak

I love this.

Real? Photoshopped?

No idea.

All I know is I’d eat it. Salt and pepper, a few minutes on the grill and douse it with some Teriyaki sauce.

Mmmm. I’d start with Florida first. It looks ready to be cut into bite-sized pieces.

No offense, Floridians. It just looks tasty.

What do you think this is? A big ‘ol ribeye?

That’s very American, so we’ll go with that.

What cut do you think this is?

Photo courtesy of Wayfarersandwhiskey.tumblr.com.

July 5th, 2011

Holiday Beef Roast

When I see this photo and think of this meal we had in celebration of the 4th of July, I can’t help but want to sing that song, “You are so beautiful . . . to me!”

Is it not?

Fork tender beef roast with mashed potatoes, salad, dinner rolls and gorgeous cupcakes for dessert.

Those were for the kids. The kids, I tell ya.

But let’s go back to that roast. I’m wondering if there is any left in the fridge. Thinking about a great open-faced sandwich on one of those dinner rolls. . .

Hope you had a great holiday too!



May 12th, 2011

How Popular is Steak?

Okay, I don’t like political discussions, but ya gotta admit this is funny whichever side of the aisle you’re on.

This Facebook page was set up to answer the age-old question:  Who can get more fans? This steak or Sarah Palin?

So far, only a little over 7,000 fans “like” the steak.

I think the problem may be steak’s advertising budget versus Sarah Palin’s advertising budget. How can steak possibly win?

My real conundrum here is:  How can you possibly ask me to choose???

What do you think?

Photo courtesy of Facebook.com.

