September 6th, 2013

Bacon Cheese Avocado Steakburger!

Feast your eyes upon the most beautiful – and delicious – steakburger this household has ever seen!

It is a most masterful creation. And I can’t even take credit for this one. My mother lovingly crafted this baby and we almost didn’t want to eat it. We didn’t want to disturb its beauty and grandeur.

But we ate it anyway.

I mean, let’s see, we’ve got bacon (drool), avocado (good for you) and cheese (makes everything better) on top of a meaty steakburger.

I can’t see anything wrong with this picture.

Try this one yourself. But try to control yourself a little better than we did. We wished we had more time with it before it was gone.

Maybe you’ll have more luck.

But fat chance.

