January 11th, 2013

Bacon Excuses

Already only a few days into the “exercise resolution” I am dreaming of bacon instead.

This shirt says it all.

I guess making excuses is just par for the course, right?

Par for the course.

Mmmm…four course…

Four course meal…

Four course meal with bacon-wrapped filets.

Yep, I’m sunk.

Welp, there’s always next year!

Photo courtesy of Randomly Funny Stuff.

January 25th, 2012

Bacon Ambience

I like bacon. Maybe you like bacon.

But do you like bacon enough to want your home to smell like it constantly?

If so, this bacon-scented candle just might be the ticket for you.

Personally, I only like to eat bacon. True, the smell is divine. But I don’t necessarily want it to linger. Forever.

I like bacon on my filet mignon. With my eggs. On a BLT.

But NOT wafting through my living room when guests are over.

What about you? Does the thought of a bacon-scented home make you giddy? No judgment here if it does. I get it. Really.

Photo courtesy of Hotwicks.com.

January 9th, 2009

Fit For a King

At our little castle in the sand over the holidays we were very spoiled by the food.

Great meals just kept on coming.

One night we enjoyed bacon-wrapped filets with oven-baked potatoes and veggies.

Most of us in the house were in at the word “bacon.”  But, then, we were treated to buttery-tender filets that were to-die-for.

There was, however, a word of warning on the box that I must show you . . .


The Kansas City Steak Company totally had our number. They knew they were dealing with pigs who would just dive right in — pin and all. Thanks, guys! You saved us an emergency trip to the dentist in a state none of us live in. Appreciate ya.

To start the meal, first, Sandy pan-seared the filets after sprinkling each filet with the seasoning that came with the steaks.


She also cooked the bacon a bit and re-wrapped them. You can see them above being placed on aluminum foil and then sent out to the grill to be manned by the cutest griller around. (Okay, it was my husband.)

Why the foil? Because we don’t trust other people’s grills. Remember, this was a rented house. Plus, that grill had seen better days and we weren’t taking any chances with this meat.

Some in our group like their filets pretty well-done and not so thick. So we simply cut one in half so we had two filets that were half as thick. Voila!

While those were grilling we worked on the sides. We made oven-baked potatoes that were quickly cooked in olive oil, salt and pepper in a skillet and then baked in the oven.


Here is the final product (after the pins were removed). This baby didn’t last long after the picture was taken.


By the way, this was our Christmas Eve dinner. A special and exciting night for us all. Can you imagine a better meal?

Well, wait ’til you see what else we cooked that week . . .
