July 17th, 2012

Beef Made Easy

Confused about what cut is what? What does it look like? Where does it come from?

Well, Beef.org has made it easy for all of us with this simple chart. Just click on it to enlarge.

Check it out to see what each cut looks like and how you can use it. Keep this on hand when you come across a new recipe and aren’t quite sure what cut is called for.

Happy studying!

Chart courtesy of Beef.org.

November 9th, 2009

Beef Trivia

What’s the most popular cut of beef?

Want to know how ground beef is used in most American households?

And the most popular side dishes?

You’re in luck!

Check out these “Beef Bytes” from beef.org.  All the little tidbits you’d ever want to know about beef are included.


