April 18th, 2009

Dude Eats 70-oz. Steak in Under an Hour

You’ve heard of these contests before.

If you can eat this mammoth-sized steak in a certain time period it’s free.

And you get the adulation of a crowd full of gawkers and sometimes you get your picture in the paper.

Well, that’s what happened to Jodie Dumouchel, a Canadian bodybuilder. That’s him on the right below.


He scarfed that rare, 70-ounce steak in 39 minutes and 52 seconds.

Awesome! Or really gross. Take your pick.

Jodie, you’re a bigger man than me.

Well, that’s not hard since I’m not a man. And, um, you’re a bodybuilder. But you know what I mean.

Apparently, there was an also-ran (seen in photo on the left) who wimped out with 10 minutes left to go. God bless him.

Ya gotta give him props for trying — but he didn’t stand a chance.

Photo courtesy of Shannon Quesnel/Elliot Lake Standard.
