June 27th, 2012

Philly Cheese Steak Video

Oh, wow. This video shows us how amazingly easy it is to make our own Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches at home.

Seriously. It’s so easy it’s embarrassing.

Our Aussie friend takes boneless ribeyes in the video and slices them up really nice and thin.

BUT . . . you can make it even easier on yourself and use this beautiful Top Sirloin that’s already sliced for you. No cutting!

When you watch the video — which is less than two minutes long — see if you can keep your mouth from watering.

I couldn’t. The sight of that melted cheese and sizzling beef got to me.

Happy videoing!

February 25th, 2011

Ready for Steak This Weekend?

If you’re looking to cook something a little different this weekend, try this flavorful boneless ribeye steak recipe from Chef Marcus Samuelsson of Good Morning America.

It would seriously be a good morning if you served this up with some eggs and fixins the next day.  Just sayin’.

Try this paprika-y, garlicky seasoning and tell me what you think. This just might become your favorite new way to cook a steak!

Photo courtesy of Ida Mae Astute/ABC.

December 10th, 2010

Steak is On My Christmas List


I’m a sucker for brilliant packaging and marketing. I love pretty things. And with this little item I’m not sure if I like the packaging or what’s inside best!

Okay, I pick “inside,” but it wins by just a hair.

They must have had me in mind when they created this sweet gift box because this is a girl’s dream come true.

Holy smokes – opening up these babies on Christmas morning would make me feel like a princess – or a queen – or a princessy queen.

Plus, I’d know what I’m having for dinner later. No question.

This is just a little hint from me to you:  If you really like someone, THIS is the way to show them! You can check out all the different varieties that come in this lovely gift box here.

And, eh hem, I like boneless ribeyes. You know, just in case, well, you know.

Happy shopping!
