April 26th, 2011

Steak Sentry

“Who goes there?”

The Emperor Palpatine and Commander Thire Guarding Two Kansas City Strip Steaks

If you have boys under the age of 10, this might be a familiar sight in your home.

In my house, everything revolves around playtime, imaginations and some sort of pretend shooting of weapons. So this photo just about sums it all up.

Nothing is sacred.

I’m trying to decide if these guys (that’s Emperor Palpatine and Commander Thire) are just decoration or are protecting these Kansas City strips from intruders.

We wouldn’t want them to get into the wrong hands.

May the force be with you, gentlemen.

Photo courtesy of Ricko via Flickr.com.

November 24th, 2010

Steak Break

Apparently I was not the only one who had the bright idea to treat myself to steaks this past weekend.

I received a text from my mother with this photo attached and the word “Yum!” —

Great minds think alike. Especially if they have the same DNA.

So now we’re on to the great preparation for Turkey Day. It’s so close I can smell the prime rib and turkey now.

Do you have this whole week off or just Thursday? Or do you even have Thursday off?

My kids have this whole week off of school and that makes for an interesting dynamic. We will alternate between the extreme highs of laughter and togetherness and, well, some trying moments. They’re boys, they’re younger than 10 and that’s often a recipe for disaster.

Whatever YOUR plans for Thanksgiving are, I know we’ll all remember the things – and people – to be thankful for. That’s what it’s all about!
