August 8th, 2011

Is It a Cake or Is It a Steak?


It really is a work of true craftsmanship.

It is indeed a steak . . .

. . . but a steak that is a cake.


This is a gorgeous creation from Debbie Does Cakes. And it just may be my favorite.

Forget all the confectionery, snowball, princess-looking ones – bring on the one that looks like a hunk ‘o meat!

This kind of artistry just blows my mind. I can’t even begin to understand how you could create something that looks so lifelike out of sugar, flour and all those ingredients.

The detail is so out of this world, it almost fooled me.


Click here to see more amazing creations . . . like a roast beef cake!

Photo courtesy of



March 15th, 2010

Is it a Steak . . . Or a Cake?

You be the judge . . .

Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2:

Some people are SO, SO creative!

And they must have a lot of time on their hands.

But anyone who likes steak that much is a friend in my book!

For more steak/cake creations, click here.

Photos courtesy of
