December 16th, 2014

Delicious Holiday Desserts!


We spend so much time during the holidays focusing on the mealsturkeys, hams, green beans – but let’s not forget the all-important dessert!

I love to have a variety of desserts to offer, not only because I will eat EVERY ONE of them, but because they are beautiful and everyone likes something different.

Some of my favorites are little holiday cheesecake bites (eat one or five – I won’t tell!), beautiful Buche de Noel (a timeless classic), and decadent chocolate macaroons.

What a gorgeous array these make! Seriously, just looking at these delicious desserts is almost as fun as eating them.


What are YOUR favorite holiday desserts?

Photo courtesy of

November 25th, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey and pumpkin cheesecake. Oh. Yum.

What are you cooking for Thanksgiving? Or are you leaving the cooking to someone else? 😉

Either way, have a wonderful holiday!
