December 25th, 2015

How To Keep Your Christmas Merry

How to Keep Your Christmas Merry

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I mean, isn’t it?

Well, sometimes, it can get out of hand. With feuding relatives, inflated expectations, persnickety houseguests and a myriad of other intangibles, holiday time can be … not so nice. So let’s you and I make a pact to be the ones to rein it in when it gets hairy. Deal?

Think – MERRY instead of HAIRY.

In my house, everything begins and ends with food. So a delicious meal actually solves a lot of problems.

Is your 13-year-old nephew looking bored because his mom told him this is a “no-phone zone?” Teach him how to season a steak!

It’s a fun little activity that will serve him well in his later years. And it’ll get him up off the couch and DOING something. Hey, he’ll be spending special time with you so the day won’t be a total loss. Score!

These holiday meals can be a wonderful time of bonding and sharing. So make sure to serve something special that everyone will love.

We all just scarfed down a smoked turkey over Thanksgiving. So why not try a prime rib roast this time?

It’s so tender and juicy and the aroma coming from the oven makes for some wonderful memories.

Keep an eye on the seating chart at this spectacular meal, though. And create a scenario where the meal can be successful – if you know what I mean.

YOU know who shouldn’t be sitting next to whom. So make sure you control that. Then, everyone can focus on the amazing food and not Cousin Phil’s annoying knee clicking.

There’s bound to be more time for complimenting the chef that way. See? We all can win!

Be mindful of all the landmines that are inevitably there when a large group of varied personalities gets together and keep the focus on the food – and ALL will be merry and bright.

Happy holidays!

December 27th, 2012

Holiday Steak

THIS was Christmas Eve dinner.

We are spending the holiday in the Cayman Islands.

And THIS is how you do steak Cayman-style. A Kansas City strip in the Caribbean.

What wonderful meals did you prepare for the holidays?

Anything made with love surrounded by family and friends sounds delicious to me!

Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!

December 21st, 2010

Christmas Rib Roast Recipe!

We’ve known this for a while, but apparently word is just getting around that a rib roast is a superb alternative to a classic ham or turkey for Christmas dinner.

This is something we beef lovers have known since birth. Beef=good.

But this recipe from our friends at Better Homes and Gardens combines beefy flavor with fruit and onions. Oh, the aroma!

Get your roast here for optimal quality and wow your guests this holiday!

Check out that full recipe here!

Photo courtesy of
