August 24th, 2012

Grassfed Steak? Hmmpf

Is this what they mean by “grassfed” steak?

If so, no thanks! Ha!

Check out the pig and rooster in the background – they think this guy’s crazy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Photo courtesy of Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations on Facebook.

May 18th, 2012

And the Steak Jumped Over the Moon

A little chart for ya on this educational Friday.

For the older kids, this chart’ll help you learn where each cut of beef comes from on the cow. Take notes, because there WILL be a test later.

And for you younger ones, well, just enjoy an age-old nursery rhyme involving a cow jumping over the moon.

That’s enough learning for today. My head hurts now.

And I’m hungry.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Photo courtesy of Kenny Harrison/The Times-Picayune.

November 16th, 2011

Steak in a Nutshell


I found this cute little “Brief History of Steak” online and thought you might like to see it.

It’s all the basics of steak in a neat, concise package. Looks like a school project.

I’m wishing my school projects had been so much fun. I remember styrofoam solar systems which included planets that are no longer planets now.

My how things change.

Check out this sweet little page here – and share it with your kids. It’s educational!

Chart courtesy of American Angus Association.  
