December 12th, 2012

Meaty 12-12-12 Days of Christmas!

12 Days of Christmas

Okay, it’s 12-12-12 and you know how we celebrate everything in my house, right?


But, let’s come up with some creative ways to do this every-100-years thing right! Invite some people over, then try these festive ideas:

1. Serve 12 different cuts of steak – come on, you can do it!

2. Combine 12 cool spices and create an awesome rub for your roast.

3. Easy. Just invite 12 friends to eat steak. Boom.

4. Everyone gets a 12-ounce ribeye.

5. Serve whatever steak you want, but then go around the table and collectively come up with 12 things you’re thankful for.

6. Ask a 12-year-old to recite the “12 Days of Christmas” while you eat your steak.

And if you’re celebrating Hanukkah on this spectacular day, you’ve totally got this celebration thing under control.

Okay, now you come up with the next 6 to make 12 cool things to do on this awesome day. I need a 12-minute breather.

It’s amazing how something that had nothing to do with steak turns into a steak-related holiday in my mind.

Really, aren’t all special days steak-related in some way?

Happy 12-12-12, everyone!

Photo courtesy of

July 7th, 2009

A Reunion Deserves Steak

We recently had a family reunion of sorts — hosted at our house.

And what did we serve to celebrate the occasion?

Why, steak of course!!!


T-bones and boneless ribeyes crowded the grill. (Check out that big one there in front.)

We sat around the dining room table, laughed, drank wine and caught up. Just like it should be.

We even made t-shirts for the occasion. But I’ll spare you those cheesy shots.

This is the plate ready to head to the table — spatula and all.


That’s a lot of beef.

My hubby was thankful everyone came (well, it WAS his side’s reunion after all) but moreso because he had leftover steaks for the next 3 days.


That’s what summer days are all about at our house! 🙂

March 25th, 2009

Steak Recipe: Beef Wellington

Ready to have some guests over and get all “fancy-pants” on them?

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to make your own Beef Wellington. Using the ever-popular, to-die-for Filet Mignon, no one will ever invite you over for dinner again . . . they’ll all be coming to YOUR house from now on!

Individual Beef Wellington

(Serves Four)

4 oz. Filet Mignon

2 Tbsp. English Mustard

8 oz. Mushrooms (any sort)

1 Shallot, minced

¼ tsp. Chopped Thyme

8 slices Proscuitto or other thinly sliced ham

4 six inch square pieces of puff pastry

1 Egg

3 Tbsp. Water

Salt and Pepper


Season the filet with salt and pepper and sear in a heavy bottomed pan over high heat until nicely browned on all sides, about three minutes total.  Combine the thyme, shallot and mushrooms in a blender and process until finely minced.  Cook the mushrooms in a dry pan until all of the moisture has been released.  Lay two pieces of proscuitto overlapping on a piece of plastic wrap.  Spread one quarter of the mushroom mixture over the ham. 

Brush one of the cooked filets with the mustard and place in the center of the ham.  Fold the ham and mushrooms over the filet ensure it is completely covered and wrap tightly with the plastic wrap refrigerate for twenty minutes.  Repeat this step with all three filets.  Gently beat the egg with the water and set aside.  Lay the pastry out flat and remove the filet from the plastic wrap and place in the center of the pastry.  Brush the edges of the pasty with the egg wash and seal completely.  Stretch the puff pastry a little if you need to, to completely cover the filet.  Refrigerate another twenty minutes.  Brush the outside of the pastry with egg wash and bake in a 350 degree oven until the pastry is nicely puffed and browned.
