March 25th, 2016

Easter Entertaining

By now, you might be furiously getting ready for your Easter dinner.

Perhaps you’ve got your spiral ham ready – did you Google “how to cook a spiral ham?” I’m not saying I did that or anything, just wondering if you did.

Easter Entertaining

If you are preparing an Easter feast, what did you decide on? I showed you my pretty incredible Easter dinner menu and I’m really excited to sit down and eat it. I’ve been dreaming about it, actually.

But I’ve got to cook it first.

And that’s the tricky part about Easter entertaining. Cooking the meal and serving it while hosting and entertaining can be a slippery task. You want to visit and make everyone feel welcome, but you’ve got to get that food on the table, too.

It’s tough.

But if we prepare as much as we can beforehand and try to eliminate the actual mixing and chopping and prep work while guests are here it makes everything run smoother. You can even purchase a heat and serve ham so you can spend more time with your guests.

The night before the big event, refrigerate as many items as possible in the containers they will be cooked in. Then, on Easter you just need to pop them in the oven. The food will still taste fresh out of the oven – because it will be!

You just did the hard part the day before.

See, these are things Grandma doesn’t tell you. Tricks of the trade, if you will. I remember my grandmother being in the kitchen every holiday for hours and hours. And we missed her. I don’t want to hide away cooking this Easter. I want to see and be seen. And I think the people around my table want that, too.

So make it pleasant for yourself and your guests by being present. That spiral ham will taste that much better if you aren’t a harried mess when you sit down to eat it. And everyone will share in the stressless day.

March 18th, 2016

Easter Lamb Menu

Easter Lamb

This March is one of those months where we are lucky enough to have TWO holidays – St. Patrick’s Day and Easter! That’s something to celebrate in itself.

Now that we’ve got St. Patrick’s Day covered, it’s time to focus on what we’re going to do for Easter.

And by “do” I mean what meal are we going to serve? (See how everything comes back to food for me?)

Easter dinner is meant to be a very special, elegant meal. So how about considering a rack of lamb? One thing I love about this meal is the beauty of the presentation. It’s absolutely gorgeous!

When guests sit down to this meal, they know they are in for something incredible.

We’ve got to plan out all the dishes that will go with the lamb so that we can get maximum enjoyment out of this beautiful dinner.

So what are some rack of lamb accompaniments to go along with this extraordinary Easter meal?

I love to serve delicious green beans with lamb. They’re light and complement the lamb perfectly without taking away from the main course. Mushrooms are a nice side to add to this lamb to bring out the earthy flavor of the meat. So a natural fit for this meal is a side of gourmet mashed potatoes with Porcini mushrooms.

Okay, my mouth is watering. But I’m not done…

Wine pairing is a wonderful way to enhance the flavor of your rack of lamb. Try a Chateau Rocher Corbin Montagne Saint-Emilion – a Merlot-based red. It’s designed to bring out the lamb’s natural flavor.

Or, serve a Meyer Family Cellars Syrah, Yorkville Highlands. This wine is delicious and earthy. Perfect.

There are so many ways to make your rack of lamb Easter dinner special. Explore them all and have an extraordinary Easter – starting with your meal!

March 11th, 2016

Easter Ham Menu

Easter Ham Menu

Mid-March is a busy time. If you have kids, spring break is around this time. School and spring activities are in full swing. Maybe work is really challenging right now.

Spring brings a lot of schedule adjustments in my house. And that can be stressful to me – and lots of people around me.

Because of that, I hate to mention one other calendar item, but a springtime holiday is coming up fast. You know the one.

Time to start planning Easter dinner.

What, you say? It’s way too early!


These things have a way of sneaking up on us and then we have to scramble. Trust me, I have a lot of experience with the scrambling. And holidays are not a time you want to scramble.

So, order your spiral ham now. And, if necessary, learn how to cook a spiral ham now. It’s pretty simple. But you don’t want to test the waters on Easter Sunday. Make sure you have all your ducks in a row beforehand.

See how that extra time might come in handy?

So now that we’ve all accepted that it’s coming up sooner than we think, let’s start to think about what’s on your Easter ham menu.

For your viewing pleasure, here’s a look at mine (I’m in love with it):

Doesn’t that sound divine?

I am drooling just thinking about this menu. And shouldn’t we aim to make holiday meals extra special? I mean, what other occasions deserve such loving attention to detail?

Planning ahead now will eliminate the stress that weekend. And then, you can just enjoy that time eating a beautiful meal and enjoying the people around you.

Now that’s a winner dinner!
