March 7th, 2016

Easter Egg Recipes (Or What To Do With All Those Hardboiled Eggs)

Easter is almost upon us! And to me, that means the sun starts to shine brighter, spring is approaching and all is right with the world.

Seriously, when I can dig out from underneath the cold and snow I am a much happier person. And Easter is the beginning of that. I am so excited!

I might not be able to pull out my beach attire and flip flops just yet, but Easter lets me know those days are right around the corner. Hallelujah!

Every holiday to me is about food. I can’t help it. And Easter traditionally is the time for hardboiled eggs. It’s just a fact. But sometimes we can have an abundance of them and we’ve got to get creative in order to not waste any.

So, what to do?

Easter Egg Recipes

Well, make them a part of your Easter dinner for starters. There are so many ham recipes that include hardboiled eggs. Whip up a delicious egg salad with chunks of delicious ham in it. Customize the salad however you like. But those hardboiled eggs make it extra special.

Serve a spiral ham for your main entrée for Easter dinner and serve that salad to go along with it. Delicious!

Use those hardboiled eggs as appetizers before your ham dinner. People flock to them! Get fancy. Use spices. Make them YOUR special appetizer.

Take advantage of this holiday time where the all-important hardboiled egg is a superstar. It doesn’t get much play at any other time of year – so really give it its due with delicious Easter egg recipes!

Part of the beauty of a well-designed meal is its visual appeal, too. Hardboiled eggs really deliver in this category. The sleek white in contrast with the bold yellow makes for an absolutely beautiful display. And that adds enjoyment to any meal!

Enjoy this eggstravaganza!

April 18th, 2014

Last-Minute Easter Feasts

Easter Feasts

There once was a gal who procrastinated.

And – poof! – a holiday snuck up on her.

I’m not saying WHO that someone might be, BUT if she sounds familiar to YOU, here are some great last-minute meal ideas for Easter from our friends at

Seriously. It’s this Sunday.

Try out this amazing recipe for Beef Stew with Leeks. Easy, tasty and hello leftovers!

I love serving beef on holidays. It’s so satisfying.

Click here for a great rundown of fab Easter Feasts to satisfy the bunnies at your house.

My house? Oh, I’ve got it covered. **Wink, wink.**

Photo courtesy of Christopher Hirsheimer via

March 30th, 2011

You Could Win a Complete Easter Dinner!

Spiral sliced hamTwice baked potatoes. Dessert!

If those words are music to your ears, here’s your chance to indulge your taste buds with the ultimate Easter dinner.

The Kansas City Steak Company is giving away five (5) Easter dinner packages with a 7-8 lb. ham as the star of the show.

Just think, all the mouth-watering goodness of a first-class holiday meal without all the fuss!

Where do I sign up?

Well, here’s how to enter:

1)   Sign up at or the Kansas City Steak Company Facebook page (one entry per person, per week).

2)   Get additional entries by spreading the word.  Tell your friends, family, co-workers, mailman about the launch of the Kansas City Steak Company Easter Dinner Giveaway via Twitter, Facebook and/or a blog post.   You can only use each way once, but go ahead – use each option for multiple chances to win!

3)   Come back and leave a comment.  Include the link to your Tweet, Facebook or blog post about the Easter Dinner Giveaway.

Need some inspiration?  Here’s a suggested Tweet/update (but feel free to add your own personal touch to it): is giving away 5 yummy Easter Dinner Packages! Enter to win:

But don’t wait too long – this Easter Dinner Giveaway is only through April, 13, 2011!  Check out the official rules here.

