September 19th, 2013

Hot Dog Flag!

An Australian company has put together flags created with its corresponding country’s cuisine.

Ours? Why, hot dogs, of course!

And truly, who among us does not enjoy the all-American all-beef frank?

There are a lot of other cool flags there. The Australian flag is made of a meat pie with sauce. Yum!

Check out these incredible, edible designs here. Which one is your favorite?

Photo courtesy of WHYBINTBWA via

April 18th, 2013

Sweet Burger

Got a hankering for something sweet? Seriously, I never do. I’m one of those “I’ll take some fries and a burger for dessert” kinda gals.

So this visually stunning piece of eye candy really gets me where it counts.

A burger cone? Yes, please!

Check out more amazing edible art at Just don’t do it on an empty stomach – it’ll start growling!

Don’t ask me how I know. I just know.

Photo courtesy of
