August 17th, 2012

Bacon Movies

It’s not a far stretch to say that most steak lovers also like bacon.

And steak WRAPPED in bacon? Perfection.

Here’s a fun bacon game started by Smo Joe on Facebook.

My favorites?

“Gone With the Bacon.” “Bacon: First Blood Part II.” And just released . . . “The Bacon Legacy.”

What are yours?

Graphic courtesy of Smo Joe via Facebook.

April 19th, 2012

The Great Steak Game

Are you on Facebook? Do you like games?

We already know you love steak, so if you answered yes to the two questions above, this might be right up your alley!

Our friends at have put together a fun game you can play using your Facebook profile. It involves your love of steak – so you know it will be fun!

Check it out here and let me know what YOUR profile will say.

Mine? “I eat it with Teriyaki in my backyard to make my neighbors jealous.”

Photo courtesy of

May 12th, 2011

How Popular is Steak?

Okay, I don’t like political discussions, but ya gotta admit this is funny whichever side of the aisle you’re on.

This Facebook page was set up to answer the age-old question:  Who can get more fans? This steak or Sarah Palin?

So far, only a little over 7,000 fans “like” the steak.

I think the problem may be steak’s advertising budget versus Sarah Palin’s advertising budget. How can steak possibly win?

My real conundrum here is:  How can you possibly ask me to choose???

What do you think?

Photo courtesy of

