November 23rd, 2011

Steak Retreat


It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and family is all around.

For hubby and me, that means we get a tiny little break and we escape for a night out. Alone. Without the children.

They won’t even miss us.

Before the turkey and gravy and stuffing and ham and casseroles and cranberry sauce, we go out for a night of steak and merriment.

A gorgeous strip steak is on the menu for him – a ribeye for me.

All is well and we have much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to you, too!


August 17th, 2011

Steak on the Water


We went to the river with family this weekend. And as we do not happen to live anywhere near a river, that required a five-hour drive.

With two boys.

Under the age of 10.

Plus a dog.

Once we arrived we felt we deserved something yummy – and to us, that means steak!

We fired up that old charcoal grill down by the river and grilled away while the kids and dog frolicked.


And, as we were on a RIVER, the serveware left a lot to be desired. A piece of aluminum foil had to do as our platter.

Because we’re classy like that, we set it on top of a cooler.

Come and get it!

What we learned is that we don’t care what it’s served on as long as we cook it ourselves and we can fix it up the way each of us likes it.

It was heavenly and we didn’t want it to end. But, alas, summer always does.

We made some great memories while it lasted.

And we’ll always have the steak . . .

June 20th, 2011

Father’s Day Steak Fest

Did you have a great Father’s Day?

We did. You know why? ‘Cause we did this . . .

Father's Day Steak

. . . and this . . .

It was a full-on frenzy of Father’s Day steak magic.

The dads in my life were quite pleased. And stuffed. And celebrated.

I hope you had a fabulous one, too!

