January 30th, 2014

Football-Shaped Food Ideas

Football Shaped Food

It’s almost Super Bowl Sunday!

That means it’s time to dust off our thinking caps and come up with some creative menu ideas for the big day.

Isn’t that the funnest part?

Oh, yeah, there’s a game, too. But what’s a game without great food to munch on?

These incredible football-shaped food ideas are so fun to try at your party for the big game.

Take the mini meatloaf you see above. Meat. Good. Football. Good.

There are also recipes for making football-shaped pretzels, oatmeal cream pies and more. There’s something for everyone – all shaped like a football, of course.

Check ’em out – they’re sure to be a touchdown!

Photo courtesy of A Family Feast via FoxNews.com.
