February 5th, 2016

Game Day Food – Denver vs. Carolina

The opponents have been set. It’s Denver versus Carolina in the biggest football game of them all. Will you be watching? I can’t wait!

But not for the game.

I really, really can’t wait to eat some good game day food, whoop it up with my friends, and oh yeah, check the score every now and then.

It’s really all about the food, isn’t it? Or is that just me?

Every year, I like to pit one opponent’s food against the other’s. Choose a game day food representative of each region and have at it. And this year, it’s gonna be delicious!

So . . . we’ve got Denver and the Carolinas. An interesting match up for the foodies.

First up? A Denver omelette. Delicious. This one’s kind of the unexpected underdog. But it’s so tasty, it’ll sneak up on you. I’ll use bone-in ham steak for amazing flavor. Plus, red and green peppers and cheddar cheese. This omelette is magically delicious and it has a real chance of coming out the winner of this food battle.

Game Day Food Ham

In the other corner, we’ve got Carolina. With so many great choices, we’ve GOT to be strategic if it’s gonna have a chance to beat Denver.

And since the Carolinas are known for barbecue we’ve got so many amazing options. Steaks, pulled pork sandwiches, ribs – the works!

Baby Back Ribs Game Day Food

I think I’ll find a great steak recipe and let the judging begin!

But I’ve got to be careful or my friends might be so busy eating the competition that they might forget they’re supposed to choose!

I guess I can just see which dish disappears first and then declare a winner.

Have fun hosting your own food battle to rival the big game. To me, it’s more fun than even what’s going on on TV – because in THIS battle I get to actually participate!

January 25th, 2016

Ideas for the Big Game

It’s coming up! And soon! That ultimate in football championships. The BIG GAME that requires a full-fledged party.

And I mean a REAL party. With food. And drinks. And lots of seating in front of the TV. Or multiple TVs.

It doesn’t even matter if you are rooting for a certain team or not. That’s not even the point for most of the country. There are, after all, only two teams who can make it to this point. No, it’s simply a reason to have a party and that’s good enough for me.

Are you hosting? What are your plans?

Need some ideas, you say? Well, read on!

Ideas for the Big Game

No matter what time of year it is, or what the occasion is, a party at my house includes steaks. And since this big game is a particularly manly event, might I suggest porterhouse steak or ribeye?

To appeal to those frustrated football players in attendance who will inevitably stand at the back, drink in hand, and involuntarily make a kicking motion while a field goal is being attempted, you MUST include these cuts.

Trust me on this.

But wives, girlfriends, single friends and others may also be in attendance, so make sure to have some filet mignon on hand as well.

Hey, I’m not trying to stereotype. These are the results of meticulous research over the years. And, really, you’ve got to cover all your bases to have a successful party. (Yeah, that was a baseball metaphor – but it still works, okay?)


And don’t forget the finger foods like beef sliders and the sides like gourmet macaroni and cheese to satisfy the raging hunger of your football fans.

Drinks and desserts (like cheesecake bites) round out the menu for your perfect soiree, don’t you think?

So now that you’ve planned the perfect party for the big game, you can sit back and enjoy those steaks – no matter who is playing.
