November 1st, 2012

Post Halloween Comfort Food

It’s “The Day After.” Maybe you trounced around the neighborhood all night last night and your feet still ache today.

Or perhaps you stayed up all evening answering the door to ghosts and goblins.

Either way, it’s November 1st and this date is officially in the “comfort food zone.”

If you want to make it easy on yourself, you can go the bake and serve route with a lovely Beef Wellington (see above) that you can simply pop in the oven and serve.

Or . . . you can try this recipe for a Beef Pot Pie that’s even gluten free! Click here for more details on that.

Come down from that Halloween high with a beefy meal that’ll bring you back to earth. It’s a great place to be . . . the holidays are just around the corner!


Photo courtesy of

September 7th, 2011

Gluten-Free Steak


If you have any dietary restrictions, you know how frustrating it can be to find a meal you LOVE that fits all your criteria.

Our friends who either choose to be gluten free or must eat gluten free often have a difficult time with this, especially when eating out.

Yet another reason to make fantastic meals at home!

Here is a wonderful gluten-free steak recipe that combines flavor AND the substance one needs to have a truly satisfying meal. It’s a steak and eggs salad that is bursting with flavor. Try it out!

To your health!

Photo and recipe courtesy of
