March 9th, 2015

Grass-Fed Goodness

Grass Fed Filet Mignon

Have you tried grass-fed steaks? They’re lean and perfect if you’re following the Paleo lifestyle.

I love that there are no artificial ingredients or hormones.

This week, I’m going to pan sear some grass-fed filet mignons and enjoy a delicious night in. It’s been so cold lately, I need a pick-me-up in the worst way.

The flavor of these filets is absolutely wonderful. And since they’re a great addition to a healthy diet I don’t feel deprived of anything. I just get delicious, healthy steaks!

I’m trying my hardest to stick to my New Year’s resolution of healthy habits. And this is a great way to keep on track.

How about you? Are you a grass-fed steaks fan?

January 14th, 2015

Paleo Recipes With Some Bite

Paleo Recipes

A Paleo-style diet seems to be such an enjoyable way to a) lose weight and/or b) maintain a healthy body.

Grass fed beef is exactly what my body is screaming for. I’ve just GOT to eat something I love or I won’t stay the course. So choices like a grass fed Kansas City strip steak don’t feel like a restrictive diet to me.

‘Cause it’s not! I LOVE steaks!

A grass fed filet mignon also fits the bill. And it FEELS so decadent. But it’s not. It’s Paleo. And it’s delicious.

Have you tried any Paleo Recipes? For a beef lover like me, it’s exactly what the doctor ordered! Check out these Paleo options and explore for yourself!
