August 13th, 2013

Grilled Cat Food?

Help me understand this.

Do cats know the tasty goodness of an amazingly grilled meal? Do you think they’re thinking, “Yay! Grilled food just in time for summer!”

I’m not sure their tastes are discriminating. But I do like the visual of this cat prancing in front of a cute little grill with steak and chicken on it.

It’s very magical.

But is it realistic to think cats need food that tastes grilled?

Is that for the cat – or for us?

I think we know the answer to that question. “If I like grilled meats, my cat will love them! I must buy this for Mr. Tinkles!”

Marketing at its finest. Well played, Friskies. Well played.

June 28th, 2013

Natural Born Griller

Is this little guy you?

I saw him in the supermarket (note the price tag) and actually thought about my husband. He’s got the grill thing down.

So what are you grilling this weekend? Hotdogs? Burgers? Steaks?

We’ve got a whole summer ahead of us to enjoy grilling weather. Check out some of these yummy grilling essentials – especially for your 4th of July celebration.

We should all whoop it up right! And Independence Day is just around the corner!
