January 24th, 2014

Grilled Strip Steak Video

It’s winter and I need some warm weather feelings.

Are you feeling the same way?

Then watch this delicious video on grilling amazing strip steaks. Plus, learn how to make grilled potato chips – pure awesome.

And please note:  Chef Megan Mitchell is wearing spaghetti straps and standing by a pool! Ahhhh…

Dream with me, won’t you?

August 9th, 2013

5 Rules For a Perfect Grilled Steak Video

So many folks have thoughts about how to achieve the “perfect steak.”

This video shows us Dave’s ideas on the matter. And I tend to agree. This strip steak looks absolutely perfect.

I like mine a bit more cooked, but take a gander and see what you think. Try his tips and grill YOUR perfect steak this weekend!

December 28th, 2011

Steaktastic Song

It’s not Beethoven.

But this “music video” is good for a few laughs. Note the fine clothing choices and animated facial expressions from these guys with fantastic culinary taste.

Just so you know you’re not alone in your obsession with steak. I’m here for ya.

And so are these guys.
