December 5th, 2013

Holiday Sous-Vide Steak Recipe

This holiday, use this technique for a fantastic steak meal. Filets work beautifully.

Your guests will be so impressed with your prowess. And it’s so delicious!

Turkeys, hams and the like are always wonderful go-to meals for the holidays. Use this as a meal another night (they ALWAYS stay more than one night, right?) or …

Mix it up at the dinner table this year and serve a sous-vide feast! Delish!

November 28th, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hooray! It’s a day centered around eating! What could be better than that?

I hope you are surrounded by loved ones, gratefulness and MEAT!

I am thankful for so many things, but food on the table is pretty high on the list.

May you enjoy a bountiful feast today . . . happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Photo courtesy of

November 13th, 2013

Great Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

Turkey Bolognese! Cranberry-carrot muffins! Turkey spring rolls!

I’ve gotta admit, these are meals made from Thanksgiving leftovers I would NEVER have come up with on my own.

But what great ideas! After the obligatory turkey and ham sandwiches, I usually don’t want the traditional meal again anytime soon. But Turkey Bolognese? That’s a flavor I can get behind. And it’s not even close to tasting like Thanksgiving turkey!

And how about some cranberry-carrot muffins for breakfast the next morning? Genius!

Click to see more really smart – and tasty –  Thanksgiving leftover ideas here.

With these meals, it’ll be a happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

Photo courtesy of
