December 5th, 2013

Holiday Sous-Vide Steak Recipe

This holiday, use this technique for a fantastic steak meal. Filets work beautifully.

Your guests will be so impressed with your prowess. And it’s so delicious!

Turkeys, hams and the like are always wonderful go-to meals for the holidays. Use this as a meal another night (they ALWAYS stay more than one night, right?) or …

Mix it up at the dinner table this year and serve a sous-vide feast! Delish!

November 13th, 2013

Great Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

Turkey Bolognese! Cranberry-carrot muffins! Turkey spring rolls!

I’ve gotta admit, these are meals made from Thanksgiving leftovers I would NEVER have come up with on my own.

But what great ideas! After the obligatory turkey and ham sandwiches, I usually don’t want the traditional meal again anytime soon. But Turkey Bolognese? That’s a flavor I can get behind. And it’s not even close to tasting like Thanksgiving turkey!

And how about some cranberry-carrot muffins for breakfast the next morning? Genius!

Click to see more really smart – and tasty –  Thanksgiving leftover ideas here.

With these meals, it’ll be a happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

Photo courtesy of

December 12th, 2012

Meaty 12-12-12 Days of Christmas!

12 Days of Christmas

Okay, it’s 12-12-12 and you know how we celebrate everything in my house, right?


But, let’s come up with some creative ways to do this every-100-years thing right! Invite some people over, then try these festive ideas:

1. Serve 12 different cuts of steak – come on, you can do it!

2. Combine 12 cool spices and create an awesome rub for your roast.

3. Easy. Just invite 12 friends to eat steak. Boom.

4. Everyone gets a 12-ounce ribeye.

5. Serve whatever steak you want, but then go around the table and collectively come up with 12 things you’re thankful for.

6. Ask a 12-year-old to recite the “12 Days of Christmas” while you eat your steak.

And if you’re celebrating Hanukkah on this spectacular day, you’ve totally got this celebration thing under control.

Okay, now you come up with the next 6 to make 12 cool things to do on this awesome day. I need a 12-minute breather.

It’s amazing how something that had nothing to do with steak turns into a steak-related holiday in my mind.

Really, aren’t all special days steak-related in some way?

Happy 12-12-12, everyone!

Photo courtesy of
