March 28th, 2016

Easter Leftovers

Are you still coming down from that holiday high?

I am. I love spending special time with my family, unwinding and just being together – especially around the dinner table.

Oh, and let’s not forget the eating. I’m always thinking about the eating. Even when the eating is over.

Think about this:  Easter dinner was wonderful. Your spiral ham was a big success. Everyone stuffed themselves, enjoyed the day and all the dishes are clean.

You took the time to lovingly plan out the meal, put the ham in the oven, prepare the side dishes, set the table just right and time it so all the warm dishes were warm and the cold dishes were cold.


Ideas for Easter Leftovers

Now that that’s done, what do we do with all those Easter leftovers in the refrigerator in the wake of a great meal?

Isn’t this always the post-holiday dilemma?

I say turn those leftovers into their own incredible meals! It can be done.

Create your own leftover recipes for spiral ham omelettes, ham soup or whatever other creative ideas you can conjure.

Did you finish all of your amazing side dishes? Get them in on the act as well! Don’t let gourmet mac and cheese go to waste! There’s still time to enjoy its delicious, cheesy goodness.

Try this delicious Ham and Beans recipe for something exciting and different to do with your ham leftovers. It’s ham. It’s beans. It’s Rotel. It’s amazing. Try it!

Seriously, with all your ham leftovers you can make yummy dishes for breakfast, lunch AND dinner this week. You’ve got ham sandwiches, eggs and ham, even ham casserole.

There are so many options, you might actually find yourself a bit sad when all the ham leftovers are gone. But don’t worry, you can always order another spiral ham and start all over!
