December 25th, 2015

How To Keep Your Christmas Merry

How to Keep Your Christmas Merry

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I mean, isn’t it?

Well, sometimes, it can get out of hand. With feuding relatives, inflated expectations, persnickety houseguests and a myriad of other intangibles, holiday time can be … not so nice. So let’s you and I make a pact to be the ones to rein it in when it gets hairy. Deal?

Think – MERRY instead of HAIRY.

In my house, everything begins and ends with food. So a delicious meal actually solves a lot of problems.

Is your 13-year-old nephew looking bored because his mom told him this is a “no-phone zone?” Teach him how to season a steak!

It’s a fun little activity that will serve him well in his later years. And it’ll get him up off the couch and DOING something. Hey, he’ll be spending special time with you so the day won’t be a total loss. Score!

These holiday meals can be a wonderful time of bonding and sharing. So make sure to serve something special that everyone will love.

We all just scarfed down a smoked turkey over Thanksgiving. So why not try a prime rib roast this time?

It’s so tender and juicy and the aroma coming from the oven makes for some wonderful memories.

Keep an eye on the seating chart at this spectacular meal, though. And create a scenario where the meal can be successful – if you know what I mean.

YOU know who shouldn’t be sitting next to whom. So make sure you control that. Then, everyone can focus on the amazing food and not Cousin Phil’s annoying knee clicking.

There’s bound to be more time for complimenting the chef that way. See? We all can win!

Be mindful of all the landmines that are inevitably there when a large group of varied personalities gets together and keep the focus on the food – and ALL will be merry and bright.

Happy holidays!

November 16th, 2015

Dressing vs. Stuffing

I’m DREAMING of all the cooking this coming week will bring! I love it! This holiday could not be more exciting and fulfilling to me. It’s about family – and that doesn’t mean just blood relatives. The incredible aromas and the feeling of “home” and just being together is what Thanksgiving is all about to me.

And, of course, being thankful.

The meal prep has begun. And of all the Thanksgiving menu items people across the country are planning and prepping, none is more, shall we say, controversial than stuffing/dressing.

Dressing vs Stuffing

What should I call it? Are they two different things?

Let’s delve into this topic, shall we?

Some people would argue that the two terms DRESSING and STUFFING are interchangeable. Same thing, they say. But others insist that stuffing is actually cooked inside of the bird and dressing remains on the outside at all times.

The actual dish itself may contain the same ingredients, but WHERE it is cooked is the game changer – and the key to its name. If you’re in this camp, your Thanksgiving recipes for dressing might look exactly like your recipes for stuffing. It’s the placement that matters.

Still others voice the opinion that what it’s called is just a matter of what part of the country you reside in. Southerners prefer “dressing,” while northerners prefer “stuffing” – no matter where it’s cooked or how it’s served.

With or without celery. Crispy on top, or soft all the way through. It’s all good to me.

So what’s your take on the great “Dressing vs. Stuffing Debate?” Do you have a hard and fast rule about how it’s served and what it’s called?

As for me, all I know is it’s mighty tasty. I’ll take it anywhere it’s served and you can call it anything you want! I’m just really, really thankful it’s on my table.

September 7th, 2015

Last-Minute Labor Day Ideas

Labor Day is upon us!

That much-anticipated day that signals the end of summer, beginning of fall festivities (football! leaves falling! sweater weather!) and a much-needed day of rest. Rest from the workaday world and all its pressures and responsibilities.

Yes, some of us still have to work on this day, (the world can’t come to a complete stop, unfortunately) but hopefully we can ALL find a little time to cook up something delicious this Labor Day. This day calls for it. Begs for it.

So are you looking for some last-minute food ideas for this foodie holiday? Well, let me share my favorite one with you…

Labor Day

Steaks ALWAYS save the day!

Ribeye! Filet mignon! Top sirloin! T-bone! Porterhouse!

Take your pick and you can’t go wrong. (Or include them all.)

Steak Seasoning

Season those steaks up with some tasty seasoning, a juicy marinade or just simple salt and pepper for amazing flavor. Follow these excellent grilling tips and you’ll have something truly special for your Labor Day feast.

Make it a sensory delight – add some color like red tomatoes in a green salad, some beautiful yellow creamed corn or sprinkle some blue cheese on top of your juicy steak. That’ll make your eyes go crazy. Crazy good, that is.

Steak Accompaniments

And we KNOW you’ve got taste and smell covered. The grill and your masterful grilling take care of that! Plus, the sound of the beef sizzling will add to the ambiance. And touch? Your steaks will be so tender when you cut into them you’ll be overwhelmed by the experience.

Sounds like a great Labor Day meal to me! I’m getting hungry.

Time for me to get my steaks going and feed this ravenous crowd that has gathered in my backyard. I hope you’ll join me – tell me what you’re cooking on this beautiful day!
