May 24th, 2012

Yet Another Lady Gaga Meat Dress?

She wore a meat dress to the Video Music Awards in 2010.

And now she has taken it on tour. To Tokyo.

In yet another stab at beefy couture, Lady Gaga performs not only clothed in meat, but surrounded by it also.

I have my doubts as to whether this latest round of costume is real.  Look closely in the photo and it all looks pretty plasticky.

The last couple of dresses didn’t fit quite as snugly and had the appearance of real meat. This one? Not so much.

But you decide. Is the meat for real this time? Or is her dress a beef imposter?

Photo courtesy of Gaga via Twitter.

October 15th, 2010

Gaga’s Meat Dress: Best. Halloween. Costume. Ever.

So, you of course remember Lady Gaga’s meat dress. We’ve talked about it here and here.

Now with Halloween just a couple weeks away, you might want to start thinking about how you can replicate that beauty for your spooky neighborhood party.

According to one article, this is the hot costume of the Halloween season this year. Read on …

The prime cut in Halloween costumes this year is Lady Gaga’s meat dress – if you can find it.

The little bloody dress donned by the diva last month is the most searched for celebrity costume on, the website said.

A check of local costume shops came up empty, but at least one city butcher is willing to create the getup.

“It would be a challenge, but I think we could make it,” said Andrew Ilnicki, a meat carver at the East Village Meat Market on E. Ninth St.

“You would have to be very skillful,” he said. “It looked like 15 to 20 pounds of flank steak. It would take 10 hours.”

The price? Ilnicki said the steaks alone would run $150 and the labor involved would bring the price for the cookout-ready costume close to $1,000.

That’s a lot of dough for a Halloween costume! What are YOU going to be for Halloween this year? Gaga, perhaps???

Photo and excerpt courtesy of
