August 12th, 2015

Back to School Meal Planner

Back to School Meal Planner Steak

In many parts of the country, the kids are starting back to school!

And, if your area hasn’t started yet, it will soon!

That means early mornings, crazy afternoons and evenings, then repeating it all over again the next day.

We need some planning to make this go smoothly.

One thing that we KNOW has to happen every day is EATING.

And without a plan, that can cause stress and too much time spent fussing over it.

Plan it. Execute that plan. And pat yourself on the back when at least ONE thing goes smoothly that day!

During the school year, we like to grill up some steaks for dinner on Sunday evening. We make sure to grill up more than we need for that meal so that we have leftovers for a) lunches; b) a weeknight dinner using the leftover steaks (like fajitas!); and c) a fun steak and egg breakfast at least one morning during the week.

We use Sunday nights for cooking up the meats we’ll use during the week and preparing a calendar of just how we’ll use them.

That way, there’s no guessing. Just a plan and the ingredients to make it happen!

What are your favorite meal planning ideas? Do they help you make school nights easier to endure? I’m all ears!
