May 28th, 2014

Dry Rub 101

The weather’s warmer and you wanna get out there and barbecue!

Wanna make the most of your meats this summer?

Then you’ll want to brush up on your dry rub acumen. Sometimes, we just need a refresher course.

Check out this “Dry Rub 101” lesson and you’ll be all set to rub up some great ribs, burgers, steaks, brisket – whatever you like!

Happy studying, my friends!

Photo courtesy of

December 21st, 2010

Christmas Rib Roast Recipe!

We’ve known this for a while, but apparently word is just getting around that a rib roast is a superb alternative to a classic ham or turkey for Christmas dinner.

This is something we beef lovers have known since birth. Beef=good.

But this recipe from our friends at Better Homes and Gardens combines beefy flavor with fruit and onions. Oh, the aroma!

Get your roast here for optimal quality and wow your guests this holiday!

Check out that full recipe here!

Photo courtesy of

December 21st, 2009

The 12 Meats of Christmas


Sometimes holiday classic tunes need a little updating.  And what better way to spend the 12 Days of Christmas than with the ones you love?

The foods you love, that is.

So here it goes . . . cue the carolers!

“The 12 Meats of Christmas”

On the twelfth day of Christmas, KC Steaks shipped to me:

Twelve roasts a-roasting,

Eleven pork chops sizzling,

Ten seasonings seasoning,

Nine strip steaks smoking,

Eight ribs a-braising,

Seven filets mignon-ing,

Six ribeyes marbling,

Five ste-ak-burgers, (pause, pause, pause)

Four T-bones,

Three prime ribs,

Two tenderloin,

And a hickory smoked tur-r-r-r-key!!!

Whew!  I’m tired.  And hungry.

Wanna send your own 12 Meats of Christmas?  Start here!

Photo courtesy of
