November 5th, 2008

Obama + Steak = Winner!

Well, we have a new president-elect here in the United States. And guess what he did last night as he awaited the results from the polls???


Whatever your politics are, even if you didn’t vote for him, if you didn’t already love him . . . ya gotta get on board now that you know this.

Here’s what the Associated Press had to say . . .

Obama awaits vote with basketball, steak dinner

CHICAGO (AP) — Barack Obama unwound by playing basketball and eating a steak dinner with extended family Tuesday as he awaited Election Day results that he hoped would send him to the White House with support from red and blue America.

The Democratic presidential nominee watched early returns in a downtown Chicago hotel room with staff, then went home for dinner with his wife, daughters and in-laws. He returned to the hotel after the 90-minute respite at home, with a suite designated for adults and another for children to gather while awaiting the race’s outcome.

I predict a very tasty future for this nation.

Can we all enjoy a little steak now?


Quote and photo courtesty of the Associated Press.
