February 5th, 2014

Eat Like the Olympians Do

Winter Olympians need fuel for their bodies.

And one thing they are not in short supply of at the Olympic Training Center? Beef!

This Russian/Ukrainian-themed soup above (called Borscht) meets the standards of many an elite athlete.

Its beefy goodness will be propelling athletes through the rigorous training and competition that is the Olympics.

Want to see the Borscht recipe they use at the Olympic Training Center? Click here for that and many others you can try at home.

Enjoy and may the eating begin!

Photo courtesy of Shalaya Kipp via OutsideOnline.com.

August 1st, 2012

Steak – Food of Olympians

food of olympians

Just think how many steaks you could grill on those fiery Olympic rings!!!!!

Turns out, steak is a go-to food of Olympians who need the protein to fuel their amazing feats.

Here’s what one Olympian had to say after a day of vigorous activity at an elite level:   “I definitely need the rest tomorrow, so, big steak and feet up, and ready for Thursday.”

Sounds like a good plan to me. I will be doing the same thing myself . . . just to get ready for MY Thursday!

Photo courtesy of OlympicFanatic.com.

Quote courtesy of Sports.Yahoo.com.
