May 29th, 2009

The Festival of Beef Continues . . .

We couldn’t celebrate Memorial Day without some good old-fashioned burgers.

Steakburgers, to be exact.

I’ve been informed that there IS a slight difference between hamburgers and steakburgers. Steakburgers have actual steak in them. Hamburgers do not.

And being a steak lover, I MUST have steakburgers.

Here are the burgers just before the addition of some pretty tame flavoring:  salt, pepper and my mother-in-law’s mystery seasoning.


Then we pulled out two steakburgers to ruin, er, season for my husband. He likes tons of Tabasco Worcestershire.

And so it was done.


Tomorrow I’ll show you how they turned out, PLUS the other delectable item we cooked. Can you guess what that is?
