January 16th, 2015

Top Sirloin and Steakburgers – Two At Once

Top Sirloin and Steakburgers

So, in my house, people like to make things difficult. Not everyone likes the same cut of beef.

Okay, I’m just as much to blame.

But, we like what we like, right?

For that reason, I usually cook “options.”

When my boys are involved (which is basically always) I love to do meals on the grill like Top Sirloin steaks AND steakburgers.

Everybody’s happy and there’s no complaining. A real plus when you have pre-teen boys.

It’s just as easy to order this top sirloin steak duo and then cook it together as it would be to just prepare one entrée. And, hey, variety is the spice of life!

What are some of your favorite “duos?”
