September 1st, 2008

Labor Day With a Little Meataballas

I hope you’re having a great Labor Day weekend. We are.

(And if you are still reading this from New Orleans — please, please go north. Like now.)

Basically, we are having a festival of meat here with our family to celebrate a little time to kick back and share the foods we love.

Yesterday we had spaghetti and meataballas with my parents and we all left quite full and satisfied.

Meat always makes everything better. And we used this ground beef with the onions already in it. I love it because it eliminates a step – and that makes me happy.

Today, we are grilling burgers for lunch and steaks for dinner. Hello, meat! Welcome to my stomach!

My husband’s birthday was this weekend and we decided to wait to celebrate it tonight when relatives are gone and kids are in bed. Peaceful. And meaty.

We can’t wait. Enjoy your Labor Day and stay safe!
