October 31st, 2013

Have a Beefy Halloween!

It’s that time of year! The time when adults adorn themselves with clothing they would never normally sport – you know, like something in the shape of a cheeseburger or a steak … or Darth Vader.

Children are adorable as princesses, baseball players, Thor and chicken nuggets.

But I think all the kids’ costumes are just to throw us off. This holiday is really for adults who want to dress up.

It cracks me up when of all the things someone could be for Halloween, they choose meat. MEAT.

Like this…

But to each his own, right?

Hope YOU have a beefy Halloween!!!

Photos courtesy of HalloweenCostumes.com and CostumeCraze.com.

October 29th, 2009

That Steaky Spirit

Wanna get in the spirit of the season?

It’s Halloween time, people! Time to dress up like your favorite beef product!

Every year it amazes me the costumes people come up with. And this year is no different.

Case in point . . .


I’m thinking they’re missing some decimal points on the prices. But if not, no worries! Wouldn’t YOU pay 2 grand to look like a Porterhouse?

These guys are hilarious and they’re making me hungry. I like the kid and the dog who are being scared into a full-on sprint by the smiling steak. It’s priceless.

Just some FOOD FOR THOUGHT for ya. (You knew I had to do that.)

If you dress up like something beefy this Halloween puhleeeeeeease send me photos!!

Photo courtesy of facemakersincorporated.com.
