September 5th, 2012

Steakhouse for Women?

Over the Labor Day weekend I got a chance to catch up on all the important happenings in the world – the Republican and Democratic Conventions, the financial crisis in Spain . . . and what Eva Longoria is up to.

It seems the Desperate Housewives actress is opening up a “steakhouse for women” in Las Vegas called SHe.

What makes it a steakhouse for women?

Well, it has a catwalk (you know, for fashion shows) and a dancefloor — and portions are smaller.

If that ain’t stereotyping I don’t know what is.

I gotta tell you as a woman and a steak lover, I’m afraid, Eva, this one’s going to tank.

I love steak and I love girl power, but I usually enjoy a steak out with my husband and there’s NO WAY he’d be caught dead in a place called SHe.

Even if there is a slight chance of catching a glimpse of Eva Longoria in person.

In trying to cater to women I think Eva’s forgotten the most important thing – we like to hang around with men.

And many of them have an aversion to catwalks.

Sorry, Eva, but you might want to rethink your concept here. Alienating 50% of the market (and in turn the other 50% who love them) makes for some pretty tricky math on the old P&L statement.

You can read about SHe in depth here.

As for me, I’ll stick with grilling my own steak at home – one without smaller portions – and we’ll do without the fashion show. It’s a win-win.

What do YOU think of this new concept? Am I off base here? Is Eva really a girl genius?

Photo courtesy of Al Bello/Getty Images via

July 6th, 2010

Good Times, Good Food

Did you have a great Independence Day?

We’re here in Ft. Walton Beach, FL, enjoying the amazing views, sounds, smells and ambiance. That crazy oil spill didn’t keep us away and we’re so glad we made the decision to come.

Here’s what it looked like yesterday . . .

It is uncrowded — a tragedy for these parts, especially at this time of year. And our stretch of beach is tarball-free . . . so far.

I did have a little bit of tar on one leg after a particularly rough playtime in the ocean with my youngest son. I’m not sure where it came from because it wasn’t visible. But it was just a little and they had special wipes at the pier that got it off in a jiffy.

What’s a little tar among friends?

We decided to taste a little of the local fare here so we can help support the area during this rough time. We tried a local steak house and nibbled on ribeyes and lobster. Mmmmmm.

But it wasn’t  as good as the delivery I have coming later this week will be. I’ll be cooking some faves in our home away from home and I can’t wait.

We’ve decided that we are going to have a great time spending quality time with our kids and enjoying great food in an amazing place — one of this country’s jewels. So check back for more on what we’re cooking on our trip to the Gulf Coast!
