May 18th, 2012

And the Steak Jumped Over the Moon

A little chart for ya on this educational Friday.

For the older kids, this chart’ll help you learn where each cut of beef comes from on the cow. Take notes, because there WILL be a test later.

And for you younger ones, well, just enjoy an age-old nursery rhyme involving a cow jumping over the moon.

That’s enough learning for today. My head hurts now.

And I’m hungry.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Photo courtesy of Kenny Harrison/The Times-Picayune.

January 13th, 2012

Steak: The Red Meat Eater Quiz

Hey, all you steak lovers! Yes, you!

Wanna take a quiz to measure your knowledge of all things steak?

Then take this steak quiz to find out your beefy intelligence.

I won’t divulge mine – but let’s just say I know a thing or two.

Let me know how you did – and maybe you’ll learn something!

Have fun and have a super weekend filled with steak and love!

Photo courtesy of
