February 28th, 2014

Steak Enthusiast’s Guide to the Weekend

It’s the weekend!

Time for some great food and relaxing moments. Here’s my guide for making your weekend great — with food, of course!

Saturday Morning

Start off with some steak and eggs. A tried and true steak lover‘s breakfast. You’ll need your energy for the weekend! Might I suggest a Top Sirloin?

Saturday Afternoon

Lunch consists of tender, flavorful steak fajitas (see above). This is a meal meant to be shared so invite some neighbors and get grilling!

Saturday Night

Dinner is filet mignon and twice baked potatoes. It’s Saturday night – that’s Steak Night!

Sunday Brunch

Breakfast tacos with ground beef and sausage get the day started off in the right direction. A brunch with Mimosas and a variety of taco fixings just makes sense.

Sunday Dinner

This is the time to slow down and make family memories. A beautiful beef roast is in order. Perhaps a Chateaubriand, a Prime Rib Roast or even a Brisket. Take your time and savor this one — but leave some leftovers for Monday’s lunch at the office! 🙂

Now that you’ve got your menu it’s time to get planning the perfect steak enthusiast’s weekend. I know I’m ready!

Photo courtesy of KansasCitySteaks.com.

December 10th, 2009

O Steaky Night


All was quiet in the house (well, except for the kids)

We decided it was time for a strip

So that’s what we did

A salad to start

Some mashed potatoes as a side

We talked about the holidays — and life

It’s been quite a ride

How did it get to be Christmastime already?

A few days ago it was 70 degress

Now the snow is comin’ down heavy

Nothin’ like grilling with your gloves on

When you’re serious about a steak

It was fun while it lasted —

Our at-home holiday date.

November 4th, 2009

Steak Night Dance

This video pretty much sums up how I feel when it’s Steak Night around here. You just wanna get up and dance and sing!

Now I’m gonna have We’re gonna eat it right! in my head all day long.

Thanks, Scrubs.

Video courtesy of YouTube.com.
