August 20th, 2013

Steak Engine

Our friend here has found a brilliant way of repurposing his old truck.

Use it as a grill for some tasty, tasty steaks!

How on earth he came up with this one is beyond me. But it sure does make me smile!

Fire ’em up, grillmaster!

Photo courtesy of via

March 1st, 2013

Hungry. Must. Eat. Steak.

Don’t you feel like this little guy sometimes? Like, “For the love of all that is good will someone please grill me a steak!!?”

I end up feeling that way by Friday most weeks. I just need something that will make me happy – and steak ALWAYS does the trick.

I slow down. I savor it. And all is right with the world.

That’s how I know my husband really loves me because he will grill a steak for me in rain, sleet or snow. And he has.

May YOUR weekend feature the word “steak” and be filled with love – and maybe some basketball, too.

Happy first weekend in March, everyone!

Photo courtesy of

June 2nd, 2012

Fun With Words: Steak Style

I love word play. Especially word play that involves a big, juicy steak.

Enjoy today’s pun involving a huge steak flying through the universe.

Could your Saturday possibly get any better?

Don’t answer that. Just enjoy and have a meaty weekend!

Photo courtesy of

