May 10th, 2012

Steak Fan Club

You know, in the age of the Internet, you can find just about ANYTHING you’re looking for – good or bad.

In the “good” department, I have found a Steak Fan Club that just might be something you’re interested in.

They have fun polls (ribeye is the favorite steak) and comment threads – and purty pictures of beef.

Everything a meat-loving girl or boy could want.

If that kind of thing strikes your fancy, head on over to and check out the steak club.

You just might find kindred spirits – or even your soulmate – over there.

Hey, common interests are important!

So check it out and let me know what you think!

Photo courtesy of

February 18th, 2011

Steak Poll

There are so many opinions out there. If you’re here, though, one thing we can probably agree on is this: WE LOVE STEAK.

The question is:  How do you like your steak cooked?

Our friends at are asking that question in the form of a poll. You can choose your answer from among these choices:

Almost rare

Medium rare

Medium done

Well done

Hey, those are the choices, so ya have to pick one. What will you choose?

Go here now and see the results. You might be surprised!

Happy weekend, everybody!

Photo courtesy of
