March 30th, 2012

5 Things To Know About Steak posted “Steak:  5 Things You Didn’t Know” – and, truth be told, I learned a little something.

Maybe you will, too.

Like, did you know the average cow is about 40% steak? I didn’t.

Click here to read more fascinating tidbits about arguably my favorite subject (you know, besides my kids. And kittens…).

On this Friday, you just might learn something new. And really, isn’t that the best we can hope for at the end of the week?

Read on for steak trivia you just might actually use!

Photo courtesy of

October 19th, 2011

Steak Quiz


You think you know steak?

I thought I knew steak. Then I took this quiz.

I didn’t know everything I thought I knew.

I demand a re-quiz!

Okay, I can take it again now that I know all the answers. That’s fair, right?

How about YOU take the quiz and let me know how well you did.

There’s apparently more to steak than MEATS the eye.

Yes, I went there.

Take the fun little quiz here!!! And don’t take it as seriously as I did. It’s unsportsmanlike.
