May 31st, 2012

Bourbon Steak Sauce Video

In this video, Chef Jason Hill shows us how to make an awesome Bourbon Steak Sauce.

It’s got rosemary and lots of other goodness whisked in. Such a great complement to a nice cut of beef.

Homemade is always best so try this the next time you’re grilling up a gorgeous steak.

And let me know how your sauce turns out!

May 30th, 2011

It’s Not Nice to Joke About Steak

Have you seen this video? It has gone viral and it’s pretty funny. Sometimes I feel like that doggie when I deprive myself of good food.

Why do I do that?

Anyway, this pup obviously loves steak and that makes him a friend of ours. Check it out!

Hope you’re having a wonderful Memorial Day! I’ll be taking a moment to remember why this day is on the calendar. Hope you do too!

January 28th, 2011

Steak Song

On this amazing Friday — weekend eve, I like to call it — I give you this little diddy.

Awesome, right?

Enjoy your weekend . . . and eat some steak!
