August 25th, 2011

Healthy Steaks

Love steak?

Who doesn’t?  (Don’t answer that.)

Like being healthy?

Who wouldn’t?

Oprah, over at (via Dr. Katz), gives us tips on cooking a healthier steak.

I like that. I think we’re all trying to find ways to stay healthy and cook healthier.

Hint:  Use beer for your marinade.

Hey, if cooking with beer makes my steak healthier – sign me up!

Check out the recipe and special tips here.

And then go cook that healthy steak!

Photo courtesy of

June 29th, 2011

July 4th Steak – In 30 Minutes

July 4th Steak

Okay, an important steak-related holiday is coming up (quicker than some of us realize). We’ve got to get ready – but who wants to spend a bunch of time preparing? We’ve got celebrating to do!

Here’s a 30-minute steak dinner planned out for you . . . just for the July 4th holiday!

It includes:

  1. sprout salad
  2. marinated strip steaks with garlic mushrooms
  3. patriotic berries with angel food cake

It’s a visual, flavorful meal for the 4th! Click here for all the details!

P.S. It’s coming up on Monday – where has this year gone???

Photos courtesy of

April 26th, 2011

Steak Sentry

“Who goes there?”

The Emperor Palpatine and Commander Thire Guarding Two Kansas City Strip Steaks

If you have boys under the age of 10, this might be a familiar sight in your home.

In my house, everything revolves around playtime, imaginations and some sort of pretend shooting of weapons. So this photo just about sums it all up.

Nothing is sacred.

I’m trying to decide if these guys (that’s Emperor Palpatine and Commander Thire) are just decoration or are protecting these Kansas City strips from intruders.

We wouldn’t want them to get into the wrong hands.

May the force be with you, gentlemen.

Photo courtesy of Ricko via
