August 24th, 2011

Steaky Labor Day Choices

I like great quality meat. But I like a good bargain, too. And I have to start planning for Labor Day now. It will sneak up on me.

So this Labor Day holiday I’m going to stock up on some of our neighborhood favorites – because inevitably, the neighborhood ends up in our back yard.

I really love that because I like being in control. I’m neurotic that way. We have burgers, steaks and chicken. Everyone’s happy.

We eat the food I like, listen to the music I enjoy – you get the picture. So why wouldn’t I want the festivities at my house? What’s a few crumbs on the counter among friends when I can make sure I have Teriyaki sauce for my ribeye? See how that works?

I’m looking forward to Labor Day because it’s that last grasp at a summer feeling. People are off work, it’s still warm out where we live and folks are in the mood to have fun. I like that.

So come on, Labor Day! I’m ready for ya!

I’m just not ready for you to be over.

Photo courtesy of Kansas City Steak Company.

July 20th, 2010

Teriyaki-fied Steaks

If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time, you know I LOVE Teriyaki sauce on my steaks. It’s a bit of an obsession.

When I go out to a restaurant, nine times out of ten they will not have a Teriyaki-infused steak on the menu. Nor will they have Teriyaki sauce on hand for my amusement.

This makes me bitter and forlorn.

If given a choice, I cook steaks at home where I can control the Teriyaki-ness of my steak. I’m crazy like that.

I found a wonderful recipe for a fancy Teriyaki sauce over at Cookistry.  Check it out and tell me Teriyaki on steak isn’t the best thing in the world.

I dare ya!

Photo courtesy of

July 16th, 2010

More Beefy, Beachy Goodness

When you’re at the beach you don’t realize you’re hungry until you’ve stripped off your wet, sandy bathing suit, taken a shower and then sat down.

And then by that time, it’s too late . . . you’re RAVENOUS.

For us, the grumpies start to appear and nobody’s happy until they’ve eaten.

That’s why we like to cook in our little condo. I usually leave the beach early to get the meal rolling and then head off the “grumpies” before they appear.

See how that works?

This gorgeous photo is a steakburger meal we prepared one night. But it’s not just ANY steakburger. It’s got Vidalia (sweet) onions in the beef. And boy do they flavor that beef!

Some of us like to make them into cheese steakburgers (like the one above), but that night I preferred to make mine an onion steakburger with no bun marinaded in Teriyaki sauce. I’m crazy about the stuff. Those yummy onions mixed with the marinade brought out the amazing flavor of the burger. I just plain didn’t need a bun.

Everybody was happy because they got to make theirs however they wanted it.

And those grumpies I mentioned? They stayed far away that night. Well played, if I do say so myself.
