February 14th, 2012

I Heart Steak

There are so many forms of love, so it’s only fitting on this Valentine’s Day to express our love for steak – or anything else for that matter.

Someone beat us to it with this wall mural professing sweet, sweet love to all things steak.

I can think of no greater art form than this.

I know, I know – Michelangelo and everything. But this is STEAK we’re talking about!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope you have steak in your life today.

Photo courtesy of jakedobkin via flickr.

February 14th, 2011

Valentine’s Day Steak Recipe

Valentine's Day Steak Recipe

Happy Valentine’s Day! You’ve got the steaks ready for your sweetie, but you just don’t know how to spice it up and make it really special. Well, you’re in luck with this mouthwatering Valentine’s Day steak recipe.

Try this pink peppercorn, rosemary and lemon butter steak recipe. I’ll bet your sweetie hasn’t tried that one!

And how can you go wrong with pink peppercorn today of all days?

It’s a win-win. Enjoy!

Get the recipe here.

Photo courtesy of WhatsForSupper-Juno.Blogspot.com.

February 11th, 2011

Be Still My Heart-Shaped Steak

Many of us will be celebrating Valentine’s Day this weekend – even though the actual date is Monday. Why? Because Mondays are hectic and soccer practice is not romantic.

So today’s post is dedicated to all you lovers out there who will be celebrating/drooling this weekend . . . steak lovers, that is!


Cooked Heart Shaped Steak

Courtesy Blogs.BrowardPalmBeach.com.

Uncooked Heart Shaped Steak

Courtesy FoodFrenzy.OCRegister.com.

Heart Shaped Tuna Steak

Courtesy SweetTeaInTexas.Blogspot.com.
